The Most Common Words in English

Learn the 2,801 most common words in English.

by Tim Martyn

a dictionary page

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Rank Most common word form Related word forms
1 the
2 be am, are, aren't, been, being, beings, is, isn't, was, wasn't, were, weren't
3 and
4 of
5 to
6 a an
7 in
8 have had, hadn't, has, hasn't, haven't, having
9 it its
10 you your, yours
11 he him, his
12 for
13 they their, theirs, them
14 not
15 that those
16 we our, ours, us
17 on
18 with
19 this these
20 I me, my
21 do did, didn't, does, doesn't, doing, don't, done
22 as
23 at
24 she her, hers
25 but buts
26 from
27 by
28 will willed, willing, won't
29 or
30 say said, saying, sayings, says
31 go goes, going, gone, gonna, went
32 so
33 all
34 if ifs
35 one ones
36 would wouldn't
37 about
38 can can't, cannot
39 which
40 there
41 know knew, knowing, known, knows
42 more
43 get gets, getting, got, gotta, gotten
44 who whom, whose
45 like liked, likes, liking
46 when
47 think thinking, thinks, thought, thoughts
48 make made, makes, making
49 time timed, times, timing
50 see saw, seeing, seen, sees
51 what
52 up upped, upping, ups
53 some
54 other others
55 out outed, outing, outings, outs
56 good
57 people peopled, peoples, peopling
58 year years
59 take taken, takes, taking, took
60 no
61 well welled, welling, wells
62 because
63 very
64 just
65 come came, comes, coming
66 could coulda, couldn't
67 work worked, working, workings, works
68 use used, uses, using
69 than
70 now
71 then
72 also
73 into
74 only
75 look looked, looking, looks
76 want wanna, wanted, wanting, wants
77 give gave, given, gives, giving
78 first firsts
79 new newer, newest
80 way ways
81 find finding, findings, finds
82 over overs
83 any
84 after
85 day days
86 where
87 thing things
88 most
89 should shoulda, shouldn't
90 need needed, needing, needs
91 much
92 right righted, righting, rights
93 how
94 back backed, backing, backs
95 mean meaner, meanest, meaning, meanings, means, meant
96 even evened, evens
97 may
98 here
99 many
100 such
101 last lasted, lasting, lasts
102 child children
103 tell telling, tells, told
104 really
105 call called, calling, calls
106 before
107 company companies
108 through
109 down downed, downing, downs
110 show showed, showing, shown, shows
111 life
112 man manned, manning, mans, men
113 change changed, changes, changing
114 place placed, places, placing
115 long longed, longer, longest, longing, longs
116 between
117 feel feeling, feelings, feels, felt
118 too
119 still stilled, stiller, stillest, stilling, stills
120 problem problems
121 write writes, writing, writings, written, wrote
122 same
123 lot lots
124 great greater, greatest, greats
125 try tried, tries, trying
126 leave leaved, leaves, leaving
127 number numbered, numbering, numbers
128 both
129 own owned, owning, owns
130 part parted, parting, parts
131 point pointed, pointing, points
132 little littler, littlest
133 help helped, helping, helpings, helps
134 ask asked, asking, asks
135 meet meeting, meetings, meets, met
136 start started, starting, starts
137 talk talked, talking, talks
138 something
139 put puts, putting
140 another
141 become became, becomes, becoming
142 interest interested, interesting, interests
143 country countries
144 old older, oldest
145 each
146 school schooled, schooling, schools
147 late later, latest
148 high higher, highest, highs
149 different
150 off offed, offing, offs
151 next
152 end ended, ending, ends
153 live lived, lives, living
154 why
155 while whiled, whiles, whiling
156 world worlds
157 week weeks
158 play played, playing, plays
159 might mighta, mightn't
160 must musta, mustn't
161 home homed, homes, homing
162 never
163 include included, includes, including
164 course coursed, courses, coursing
165 house housed, houses, housing
166 report reported, reporting, reports
167 group grouped, grouping, groups
168 case cased, cases, casing, casings
169 woman women
170 around
171 book booked, booking, bookings, books
172 family families
173 seem seemed, seeming, seems
174 let lemme, lets, letting
175 again
176 kind kinder, kindest, kinds
177 keep keeping, keeps, kept
178 hear heard, hearing, hears
179 system systems
180 every
181 question questioned, questioning, questions
182 during
183 always
184 big bigger, biggest
185 set sets, setting, settings
186 small smaller, smallest
187 study studied, studies, studying
188 follow followed, following, follows
189 begin began, beginning, beginnings, begins, begun
190 important
191 since
192 run ran, running, runs
193 under
194 turn turned, turning, turns
195 few fewer, fewest
196 bring bringing, brings, brought
197 early earlier, earliest
198 hand handed, handing, hands
199 state stated, states, stating
200 move moved, moves, moving
201 money
202 fact facts
203 however
204 area areas
205 provide provided, provides, providing
206 name named, names, naming
207 read reading, readings, reads
208 friend friends
209 month months
210 large larger, largest
211 business businesses
212 without
213 information
214 open opened, opening, openings, opens
215 order ordered, ordering, orders
216 government governments
217 word worded, wording, words
218 issue issued, issues, issuing
219 market marketed, marketing, markets
220 pay paid, paying, pays
221 build building, buildings, builds, built
222 hold held, holding, holdings, holds
223 service serviced, services, servicing
224 against
225 believe believed, believes, believing
226 second sec, seconded, seconding, seconds
227 though
228 yes yeses
229 love loved, loves, loving
230 increase increased, increases, increasing
231 job jobbing, jobs
232 plan planned, planning, plans
233 result resulted, resulting, results
234 away
235 example examples
236 happen happened, happening, happenings, happens
237 offer offered, offering, offerings, offers
238 young younger, youngest
239 close closed, closer, closes, closest, closing
240 program programed, programing, programme, programmed, programmes, programming, programs
241 lead leading, leads, led
242 buy bought, buying, buys
243 understand understanding, understands, understood
244 thank thanked, thanking, thanks
245 far farther, farthest
246 today
247 hour hours
248 student students
249 face faced, faces, facing
250 hope hoped, hopes, hoping
251 idea ideas
252 cost costing, costs
253 less
254 room roomed, rooming, rooms
255 until
256 reason reasoned, reasoning, reasons
257 form formed, forming, forms
258 spend spending, spends, spent
259 head headed, heading, headings, heads
260 car cars
261 learn learned, learning, learns, learnt
262 level leveled, leveling, levelled, levelling, levels
263 person persons
264 experience experienced, experiences, experiencing
265 once
266 member members
267 enough
268 bad worse, worst
269 city cities
270 night nights
271 able abler, ablest
272 support supported, supporting, supports
273 whether
274 line lined, lines, lining
275 present presented, presenting, presents
276 side sided, sides, siding
277 quite
278 although
279 sure surer, surest
280 term termed, terming, terms
281 least
282 age aged, ageing, ages, aging
283 low lowed, lower, lowered, lowering, lowers, lowest, lowing, lows
284 speak speaking, speaks, spoke, spoken
285 within
286 process processed, processes, processing
287 public
288 often
289 train trained, training, trains
290 possible
291 actually
292 rather
293 view viewed, viewing, views
294 together
295 consider considered, considering, considers
296 price priced, prices, pricing
297 parent parented, parenting, parents
298 hard harder, hardest
299 party partied, parties, partying
300 local locals
301 control controlled, controlling, controls
302 already
303 concern concerned, concerning, concerns
304 product products
305 lose loses, losing, lost
306 story storey, storied, stories
307 almost
308 continue continued, continues, continuing
309 stand standing, stands, stood
310 whole wholes
311 yet
312 rate rated, rates, rating, ratings
313 care cared, cares, caring
314 expect expected, expecting, expects
315 effect effected, effecting, effects
316 sort sorted, sorting, sorts
317 ever
318 anything
319 cause caused, causes, causing
320 fall fallen, falling, falls, fell
321 deal dealing, deals, dealt
322 water watered, watering, waters
323 send sending, sends, sent
324 allow allowed, allowing, allows
325 soon sooner, soonest
326 watch watched, watches, watching
327 base based, baser, bases, basest, basing
328 probably
329 suggest suggested, suggesting, suggests
330 past
331 power powered, powering, powers
332 test tested, testing, tests
333 visit visited, visiting, visits
334 center centered, centering, centers, centre, centred, centres
335 grow grew, growing, grown, grows
336 nothing
337 return returned, returning, returns
338 mother mothered, mothering, mothers
339 walk walked, walking, walks
340 matter mattered, mattering, matters
341 mind minded, minding, minds
342 value valued, values, valuing
343 office offices
344 record recorded, recording, recordings, records
345 stay stayed, staying, stays
346 force forced, forces, forcing
347 stop stopped, stopping, stops
348 several
349 light lighted, lightest, lighting, lights, lit
350 develop developed, developing, develops
351 remember remembered, remembering, remembers
352 bit bits
353 share shared, shares, sharing
354 real
355 answer answered, answering, answers
356 sit sat, sits, sitting
357 figure figured, figures, figuring
358 letter lettering, letters
359 decide decided, decides, deciding
360 language languages
361 subject subjected, subjecting, subjects
362 class classed, classes, classing
363 development developments
364 town towns
365 half halved, halves, halving
366 minute minutes
367 food foods
368 break breaking, breaks, broke, broken
369 clear cleared, clearer, clearest, clearing, clears
370 future futures
371 either
372 ago
373 per
374 remain remained, remaining, remains
375 top topped, topping, toppings, tops
376 among
377 win winning, winnings, wins
378 color colored, coloring, colors, colour, coloured, colouring, colours
379 involve involved, involves, involving
380 reach reached, reaches, reaching
381 social
382 period periods
383 across
384 note noted, notes, noting
385 history histories
386 create created, creates, creating
387 drive driven, drives, driving, drove
388 along
389 type typed, types, typing
390 sound sounded, sounding, sounds
391 eye eyed, eyeing, eyes
392 music
393 game gamed, games, gaming
394 political
395 free freed, freeing, freer, frees, freest
396 receive received, receives, receiving
397 moment moments
398 sale sales
399 policy policies
400 further furthered, furthering, furthers
401 body bodied, bodies
402 require required, requires, requiring
403 wait waited, waiting, waits
404 general generals
405 appear appeared, appearing, appears
406 toward towards
407 team teamed, teaming, teams
408 easy easier, easiest
409 individual individuals
410 full fuller, fullest
411 black blacked, blacker, blackest, blacking, blacks
412 sense sensed, senses, sensing
413 perhaps
414 add added, adding, adds
415 rule ruled, rules, ruling, rulings
416 pass passed, passes, passing
417 produce produced, produces, producing
418 sell selling, sells, sold
419 short shorted, shorter, shortest, shorting, shorts
420 agree agreed, agreeing, agrees
421 law laws
422 everything
423 research researched, researches, researching
424 cover covered, covering, coverings, covers
425 paper papered, papering, papers
426 position positioned, positioning, positions
427 near neared, nearer, nearest, nearing, nears
428 human humans
429 computer computers
430 situation situations
431 staff staffed, staffing, staffs
432 activity activities
433 film filmed, filming, films
434 morning mornings
435 war warred, warring, wars
436 account accounted, accounting, accounts
437 shop shopped, shopping, shops
438 major majored, majoring, majors
439 someone
440 above
441 design designed, designing, designs
442 event events
443 special specials
444 sometimes
445 condition conditioned, conditioning, conditions
446 carry carried, carries, carrying
447 choose chooses, choosing, chose, chosen
448 father fathered, fathering, fathers
449 decision decisions
450 table tabled, tables
451 certain
452 forward forwarded, forwarding, forwards
453 main
454 die died, dies, dying
455 bear bearing, bearings, bears, borne
456 cut cuts, cutting, cuttings
457 describe described, describes, describing
458 himself
459 available
460 especially
461 strong stronger, strongest
462 rise risen, rises, rising
463 girl girls
464 maybe
465 community communities
466 else
467 particular particulars
468 role roles
469 join joined, joining, joins
470 difficult
471 please pleased, pleases, pleasing
472 detail detailed, detailing, details
473 difference differences
474 action actions
475 health
476 eat ate, eaten, eating, eats
477 step stepped, stepping, steps
478 true trued, truer, trues, truest, truing
479 phone phoned, phones, phoning
480 themselves
481 draw drawing, drawings, drawn, draws, drew
482 white whiter, whites, whitest
483 date dated, dates, dating
484 practice practiced, practices, practicing, practise, practised, practises, practising
485 model modeled, modeling, modelled, modelling, models
486 raise raised, raises, raising
487 customer customers
488 front fronted, fronting, fronts
489 explain explained, explaining, explains
490 door doors
491 outside outsides
492 behind
493 economic economics
494 site sited, sites
495 approach approached, approaches, approaching
496 teacher teachers
497 land landed, landing, landings, lands
498 charge charged, charges, charging
499 finally
500 sign signed, signing, signs
501 claim claimed, claiming, claims
502 relationship relationships
503 travel traveled, traveling, travelled, travelling, travels
504 enjoy enjoyed, enjoying, enjoys
505 death deaths
506 nice nicer, nicest
507 amount amounted, amounts
508 improve improved, improves, improving
509 picture pictured, pictures, picturing
510 boy boys
511 regard regarded, regarding, regards
512 organization organisation, organisations, organizations
513 happy happier, happiest
514 couple coupled, couples, coupling
515 act acted, acting, acts
516 range ranged, ranges, ranging
517 quality qualities
518 project projected, projecting, projects
519 round rounded, rounder, roundest, rounding, rounds
520 opportunity opportunities
521 road roads
522 accord accorded, according, accords
523 list listed, listing, listings, lists
524 wish wished, wishes, wishing
525 therefore
526 wear wearing, wears, wore, worn
527 fund funded, funding, funds
528 rest rested, resting, rests
529 kid kidded, kidding, kids
530 industry industries
531 education educations
532 measure measured, measures, measuring
533 kill killed, killing, killings, kills
534 serve served, serves, serving, servings
535 likely likelier, likeliest
536 certainly
537 national nationals
538 itself
539 teach taught, teaches, teaching, teachings
540 field fielded, fielding, fields
541 security securities
542 air aired, airing, airs
543 benefit benefited, benefiting, benefits, benefitted, benefitting
544 trade traded, trades, trading
545 risk risked, risking, risks
546 news
547 standard standards
548 vote voted, votes, voting
549 percent percents
550 focus focused, focuses, focusing, focussed, focusses, focussing
551 stage staged, stages, staging
552 space spaced, spaces, spacing
553 instead
554 realize realise, realised, realises, realising, realized, realizes, realizing
555 usually
556 data datum
557 single singled, singles, singling
558 address addressed, addresses, addressing
559 performance performances
560 chance chanced, chances, chancing
561 accept accepted, accepting, accepts
562 society societies
563 technology technologies
564 mention mentioned, mentioning, mentions
565 choice choicer, choices, choicest
566 save saved, saves, saving, savings
567 common commonest
568 culture cultured, cultures, culturing
569 total totaled, totaling, totalled, totalling, totals
570 demand demanded, demanding, demands
571 material materials
572 limit limited, limiting, limits
573 listen listened, listening, listens
574 due
575 wrong wronged, wronging, wrongs
576 foot feet, footed, footing, foots
577 effort efforts
578 attention attentions
579 upon
580 check checked, checking, checks
581 complete completed, completes, completing
582 lie lain, lied, lies, lying
583 pick picked, picking, picks
584 reduce reduced, reduces, reducing
585 personal personals
586 ground grounded, grounding, grounds
587 animal animals
588 arrive arrived, arrives, arriving
589 patient patients
590 current currents
591 century centuries
592 evidence evidenced, evidences, evidencing
593 exist existed, existing, exists
594 similar
595 fight fighting, fights, fought
596 leader leaders
597 fine fined, finer, fines, finest, fining
598 street streets
599 former formers
600 contact contacted, contacting, contacts
601 particularly
602 wife wives
603 sport sported, sporting, sports
604 prepare prepared, prepares, preparing
605 discuss discussed, discusses, discussing
606 response responses
607 voice voiced, voices, voicing
608 piece pieced, pieces, piecing
609 finish finished, finishes, finishing
610 suppose supposed, supposes, supposing
611 apply applied, applies, applying
612 president presidents
613 fire fired, fires, firing, firings
614 compare compared, compares, comparing
615 court courted, courting, courts
616 police policed, polices, policing
617 store stored, stores, storing
618 poor poorer, poorest
619 knowledge
620 laugh laughed, laughing, laughs
621 arm armed, arming, arms
622 heart hearted, hearts
623 source sourced, sources, sourcing
624 employee employees
625 manage managed, manages, managing
626 simply
627 bank banked, banking, banks
628 firm firmed, firmer, firmest, firming, firms
629 cell celled, cells
630 article articled, articles, articling
631 fast fasted, faster, fastest, fasting, fasts
632 attack attacked, attacking, attacks
633 foreign
634 surprise surprised, surprises, surprising
635 feature featured, features, featuring
636 factor factored, factoring, factors
637 pretty prettier, pretties, prettiest, prettying
638 recently
639 affect affected, affecting, affects
640 drop dropped, dropping, drops
641 recent
642 relate related, relates, relating
643 official officials
644 financial financials
645 miss missed, misses, missing
646 art arts
647 campaign campaigned, campaigning, campaigns
648 private
649 pause paused, pauses, pausing
650 everyone
651 forget forgets, forgetting, forgot, forgotten
652 page paged, pages, paging
653 worry worried, worries, worrying
654 summer summered, summers
655 drink drank, drinking, drinks
656 opinion opinioned, opinions
657 park parked, parking, parks
658 represent represented, representing, represents
659 key keyed, keying, keys
660 inside insides
661 manager managers
662 international internationals
663 contain contained, containing, contains
664 notice noticed, notices, noticing
665 wonder wondered, wondering, wonders
666 nature natured, natures
667 structure structured, structures, structuring
668 section sectioned, sectioning, sections
669 myself
670 exactly
671 plant planted, planting, plants
672 paint painted, painting, paintings, paints
673 worker workers
674 press pressed, presses, pressing
675 whatever
676 necessary necessaries
677 region regions
678 growth growths
679 evening evenings
680 influence influenced, influences, influencing
681 respect respected, respecting, respects
682 various
683 catch catches, catching, caught
684 thus
685 skill skilled, skills
686 attempt attempted, attempting, attempts
687 son sons
688 simple simpler, simplest
689 medium mediums
690 average averaged, averages, averaging
691 stock stocked, stocking, stocks
692 management managements
693 character characters
694 bed bedded, bedding, beds
695 hit hits, hitting
696 establish established, establishes, establishing
697 indeed
698 final finals
699 economy economies
700 fit fits, fitted, fitter, fittest, fitting, fittings
701 guy guys
702 function functioned, functioning, functions
703 yesterday yesterdays
704 image imaged, images, imaging
705 size sized, sizes, sizing
706 behavior behaviors, behaviour, behaviours
707 addition additions
708 determine determined, determines, determining
709 station stationed, stationing, stations
710 population populations
711 fail failed, failing, failings, fails
712 environment environments
713 production productions
714 contract contracted, contracting, contracts
715 player players
716 comment commented, commenting, comments
717 enter entered, entering, enters
718 occur occurred, occurring, occurs
719 alone
720 significant
721 drug drugged, drugging, drugs
722 wall walled, walling, walls
723 series
724 direct directed, directing, directs
725 success successes
726 tomorrow tomorrows
727 director directors
728 clearly
729 lack lacked, lacking, lacks
730 review reviewed, reviewing, reviews
731 depend depended, depending, depends
732 race raced, races, racing
733 recognize recognise, recognised, recognises, recognising, recognized, recognizes, recognizing
734 window windowed, windowing, windows
735 purpose purposed, purposes, purposing
736 department departments
737 gain gained, gaining, gains
738 tree trees
739 college colleges
740 argue argued, argues, arguing
741 board boarded, boarding, boards
742 holiday holidayed, holidaying, holidays
743 mark marked, marking, markings, marks
744 church churched, churches, churching
745 machine machined, machines, machining
746 achieve achieved, achieves, achieving
747 item items
748 prove proved, proven, proves, proving
749 cent cents
750 season seasoned, seasoning, seasonings, seasons
751 floor floored, flooring, floors
752 stuff stuffed, stuffing, stuffs
753 wide wider, widest
754 anyone
755 method methods
756 analysis analyses
757 election elections
758 military militaries
759 hotel hotels
760 club clubbed, clubbing, clubs
761 below
762 movie movies
763 doctor doctored, doctoring, doctors
764 discussion discussions
765 sorry sorrier, sorriest
766 challenge challenged, challenges, challenging
767 nation nations
768 nearly
769 statement statements
770 link linked, linking, links
771 despite
772 introduce introduced, introduces, introducing
773 advantage advantaged, advantages
774 ready readied, readier, readies, readiest, readying
775 marry married, marries, marrying
776 strike strikes, striking, struck
777 mile miles
778 seek seeking, seeks, sought
779 ability abilities
780 unit units
781 card carded, carding, cards
782 hospital hospitals
783 quickly
784 interview interviewed, interviewing, interviews
785 agreement agreements
786 release released, releases, releasing
787 tax taxed, taxes, taxing
788 solution solutions
789 capital capitals
790 popular
791 specific specifics
792 beautiful
793 fear feared, fearing, fears
794 aim aimed, aiming, aims
795 television televisions
796 serious
797 target targeted, targeting, targets
798 degree degrees
799 pull pulled, pulling, pulls
800 red redder, reddest, reds
801 husband husbanded, husbanding, husbands
802 access accessed, accesses, accessing
803 movement movements
804 treat treated, treating, treats
805 identify identified, identifies, identifying
806 loss losses
807 shall
808 modern
809 pressure pressured, pressures, pressuring
810 bus bused, buses, busing
811 treatment treatments
812 yourself yourselves
813 supply supplied, supplies, supplying
814 village villages
815 worth
816 natural naturals
817 express expressed, expresses, expressing
818 indicate indicated, indicates, indicating
819 attend attended, attending, attends
820 brother brothers
821 investment investments
822 score scored, scores, scoring
823 organize organise, organised, organises, organising, organized, organizes, organizing
824 trip tripped, tripping, trips
825 beyond
826 sleep sleeping, sleeps, slept
827 fish fished, fishes, fishing
828 promise promised, promises, promising
829 potential potentials
830 energy energies
831 trouble troubled, troubles, troubling
832 relation relations
833 touch touched, touches, touching
834 file filed, files, filing, filings
835 middle middled, middles, middling
836 bar barred, barring, bars
837 suffer suffered, suffering, sufferred, sufferring, suffers
838 strategy strategies
839 deep deeper, deepest, deeps
840 except excepted, excepting, excepts
841 clean cleaned, cleaning, cleans
842 tend tended, tending, tends
843 advance advanced, advances, advancing
844 fill filled, filling, fillings, fills
845 star starred, starring, stars
846 network networked, networking, networks
847 generally
848 operation operations
849 match matched, matches, matching
850 avoid avoided, avoiding, avoids
851 seat seated, seating, seats
852 throw threw, throwing, thrown, throws
853 task tasked, tasking, tasks
854 normal normals
855 goal goals
856 associate associated, associates, associating
857 blue blued, bluer, blues, bluest, bluing
858 positive positives
859 option options
860 box boxed, boxes, boxing
861 huge huger, hugest
862 message messaged, messages, messaging
863 instance instanced, instances, instancing
864 style styled, styles, styling
865 refer refered, refering, referred, referring, refers
866 cold colder, coldest, colds
867 push pushed, pushes, pushing
868 quarter quartered, quartering, quarters
869 assume assumed, assumes, assuming
870 baby babied, babies, babying
871 successful
872 sing sang, singing, sings, sung
873 doubt doubted, doubting, doubts
874 competition competitions
875 theory theories
876 propose proposed, proposes, proposing
877 reference referenced, references, referencing
878 argument arguments
879 adult adults
880 fly flew, flies, flown, flying
881 document documented, documenting, documents
882 pattern patterned, patterning, patterns
883 application applications
884 hot hots, hotter, hottest
885 obviously
886 unclear
887 bill billed, billing, bills
888 search searched, searches, searching
889 separate separated, separates, separating
890 central centrals
891 career careered, careering, careers
892 anyway anyways
893 speech speeches
894 dog dogged, dogging, dogs
895 officer officered, officering, officers
896 throughout
897 oil oiled, oiling, oils
898 dress dressed, dresses, dressing
899 profit profited, profiting, profits
900 guess guessed, guesses, guessing
901 fun
902 protect protected, protecting, protects
903 resource resourced, resources, resourcing
904 science sciences
905 disease diseased, diseases
906 balance balanced, balances, balancing
907 damage damaged, damages, damaging
908 basis
909 author authored, authoring, authors
910 basic basics
911 encourage encouraged, encourages, encouraging
912 hair haired, hairs
913 male males
914 operate operated, operates, operating
915 reflect reflected, reflecting, reflects
916 exercise exercised, exercises, exercising
917 useful
918 restaurant restaurants
919 income incomes
920 property properties
921 previous
922 dark darker, darkest
923 imagine imagined, imagines, imagining, imaginings
924 okay ok, okayed, okaying, okays
925 earn earned, earning, earnings, earns
926 daughter daughters
927 post posted, posting, postings, posts
928 newspaper newspapers
929 define defined, defines, defining
930 conclusion conclusions
931 clock clocked, clocking, clocks
932 everybody
933 weekend weekending, weekends
934 perform performed, performing, performs
935 professional professionals
936 mine mined, mines, mining
937 debate debated, debates, debating
938 memory memories
939 green greened, greener, greenest, greening, greens
940 song songs
941 object objected, objecting, objects
942 maintain maintained, maintaining, maintains
943 credit credited, crediting, credits
944 ring rang, ringed, ringing, rings, rung
945 discover discovered, discovering, discovers
946 dead deader, deadest
947 afternoon afternoons
948 prefer prefered, prefering, preferred, preferring, prefers
949 extend extended, extending, extends
950 possibility possibilities
951 direction directions
952 facility facilities
953 variety varieties
954 daily dailies
955 clothes
956 screen screened, screening, screenings, screens
957 track tracked, tracking, tracks
958 dance danced, dances, dancing
959 completely
960 female females
961 responsibility responsibilities
962 original originals
963 sister sisters
964 rock rocked, rocking, rocks
965 dream dreamed, dreaming, dreams, dreamt
966 nor
967 university universities
968 easily
969 agency agencies
970 dollar dollars
971 garden gardened, gardening, gardens
972 fix fixed, fixes, fixing, fixings
973 ahead
974 cross crossed, crosses, crossing, crossings
975 yeah
976 weight weighted, weighting, weights
977 legal
978 proposal proposals
979 version versions
980 conversation conversations
981 somebody
982 pound pounded, pounding, pounds
983 magazine magazines
984 shape shaped, shapes, shaping
985 sea seas
986 immediately
987 welcome welcomed, welcomes, welcoming
988 smile smiled, smiles, smiling
989 communication communications
990 agent agents
991 traditional
992 replace replaced, replaces, replacing
993 judge judged, judges, judging
994 herself
995 suddenly
996 generation generations
997 estimate estimated, estimates, estimating
998 favorite favorites, favourite, favourites
999 difficulty difficulties
1000 purchase purchased, purchases, purchasing
1001 shoot shooting, shootings, shoots
1002 announce announced, announces, announcing
1003 unless
1004 independent independents
1005 recommend recommended, recommending, recommends
1006 survey surveyed, surveying, surveys
1007 majority majorities
1008 stick sticking, sticks, stuck
1009 request requested, requesting, requests
1010 rich richer, richest
1011 wind winded, winding, winds
1012 none
1013 exchange exchanged, exchanges, exchanging
1014 budget budgeted, budgeting, budgets
1015 famous
1016 blood blooded, blooding, bloods
1017 appropriate appropriated, appropriates, appropriating
1018 block blocked, blocking, blocks
1019 warm warmed, warmer, warmest, warming, warms
1020 count counted, counting, counts
1021 scene scenes
1022 writer writers
1023 content contented, contenting, contents
1024 prevent prevented, preventing, prevents
1025 safe safer, safest
1026 invite invited, invites, inviting
1027 mix mixed, mixes, mixing
1028 element elements
1029 effective
1030 correct corrected, correcting, corrects
1031 medical medicals
1032 admit admits, admitted, admitting
1033 beat beaten, beating, beatings, beats
1034 telephone telephoned, telephones, telephoning
1035 copy copied, copies, copying
1036 committee committees
1037 aware
1038 advice advices
1039 handle handled, handles, handling
1040 glass glassed, glasses, glassing
1041 trial trialed, trialing, trialled, trialling, trials
1042 stress stressed, stresses
1043 radio radioed, radios
1044 administration administrations
1045 complex complexes
1046 text texts
1047 context contexts
1048 ride ridden, rides, riding, rode
1049 directly
1050 heavy heavier, heavies, heaviest
1051 remove removed, removes, removing
1052 conduct conducted, conducting, conducts
1053 equipment equipments
1054 otherwise
1055 title titled, titles, titling
1056 extra extras
1057 executive executives
1058 chair chaired, chairing, chairs
1059 expensive
1060 sample sampled, samples, sampling, samplings
1061 sex sexes
1062 deliver delivered, delivering, delivers
1063 video videoed, videos
1064 connection connections, connexion, connexions
1065 primary primaries
1066 weather weathered, weathering, weathers
1067 collect collected, collecting, collects
1068 inform informed, informing, informs
1069 principle principled, principles
1070 straight straighter, straightest
1071 appeal appealed, appealing, appeals
1072 highly
1073 trust trusted, trusting, trusts
1074 wonderful
1075 flat flats
1076 absolutely
1077 flow flowed, flowing, flows
1078 fair faired, fairer, fairest, fairing, fairs
1079 additional
1080 responsible
1081 farm farmed, farming, farms
1082 collection collections
1083 hang hanged, hanging, hangings, hangs, hung
1084 negative negatives
1085 band banded, bands
1086 relative relatives
1087 tour toured, touring, tours
1088 alternative alternatives
1089 software
1090 pair paired, pairing, pairings, pairs
1091 ship shipped, shipping, ships
1092 attitude attitudes
1093 cheap cheaper, cheapest
1094 double doubled, doubles, doubling
1095 leg legged, legging, leggings, legs
1096 observe observed, observes, observing
1097 sentence sentenced, sentences, sentencing
1098 print printed, printing, printings, prints
1099 progress progressed, progresses, progressing
1100 truth truths
1101 nobody nobodies
1102 examine examined, examines, examining
1103 lay laid, laying, lays
1104 speed sped, speeded, speeding, speeds
1105 politics
1106 reply replied, replies, replying
1107 display displayed, displaying, displays
1108 transfer transfering, transferred, transferring, transfers
1109 perfect perfected, perfecting, perfects
1110 slightly
1111 overall
1112 intend intended, intending, intends
1113 user users
1114 respond responded, responding, responds
1115 dinner dinners
1116 slow slowed, slower, slowest, slowing, slows
1117 regular regulars
1118 physical physicals
1119 apart
1120 suit suited, suiting, suits
1121 federal
1122 reveal revealed, revealing, revealled, revealling, reveals
1123 percentage percentages
1124 peace peaces
1125 status
1126 crime crimes
1127 decline declined, declines, declining
1128 decade decades
1129 launch launched, launches, launching
1130 warn warned, warning, warnings, warns
1131 consumer consumers
1132 favor favored, favoring, favors, favour, favoured, favouring, favours
1133 dry dried, drier, dries, driest, drying
1134 partner partnered, partnering, partners
1135 institution institutions
1136 spot spots, spotted, spotting
1137 horse horsed, horses, horsing
1138 eventually
1139 heat heated, heating, heats
1140 excite excited, excites, exciting
1141 reader readers
1142 importance
1143 distance distanced, distances, distancing
1144 guide guided, guides, guiding
1145 grant granted, granting, grants
1146 taxi taxies, taxiing, taxis
1147 feed fed, feeding, feedings, feeds
1148 pain pained, paining, pains
1149 sector sectors
1150 mistake mistakes, mistaking, mistook
1151 ensure ensured, ensures, ensuring
1152 satisfy satisfied, satisfies, satisfying
1153 chief chiefs
1154 cool cooled, coolest, cooling, cools
1155 expert experts
1156 wave waved, waves, waving
1157 south
1158 labor labored, laboring, labors, labour, laboured, labouring, labours
1159 surface surfaced, surfaces, surfacing
1160 library libraries
1161 excellent
1162 edge edged, edges, edging
1163 camp camped, camping, camps
1164 audience audiences
1165 lift lifted, lifting, lifts
1166 procedure procedures
1167 email emailed, emailing, emails
1168 global
1169 struggle struggled, struggles, struggling
1170 advertise advertised, advertises, advertising, advertize, advertized, advertizes, advertizing
1171 select selected, selecting, selects
1172 surround surrounded, surrounding, surroundings, surrounds
1173 extent extents
1174 river rivers
1175 annual annuals
1176 fully
1177 contrast contrasted, contrasting, contrasts
1178 roll rolled, rolling, rolls
1179 reality realities
1180 photograph photographed, photographing, photographs
1181 artist artists
1182 conflict conflicted, conflicting, conflicts
1183 entire
1184 presence presences
1185 crowd crowded, crowding, crowds
1186 corner cornered, cornering, corners
1187 gas gases, gassed, gasses, gassing
1188 shift shifted, shifting, shifts
1189 net nets, netted, netting
1190 category categories
1191 secretary secretaries
1192 defense defence, defences, defenses
1193 quick quicker, quickest
1194 cook cooked, cooking, cooks
1195 spread spreading, spreads
1196 nuclear
1197 scale scaled, scales, scaling
1198 driver drivers
1199 ball balled, balling, balls
1200 cry cried, cries, crying
1201 introduction introductions
1202 requirement requirements
1203 north
1204 confirm confirmed, confirming, confirms
1205 senior seniors
1206 photo photos
1207 refuse refused, refuses, refusing
1208 transport transported, transporting, transports
1209 emerge emerged, emerges, emerging
1210 map mapped, mapping, maps
1211 concept concepts
1212 island islanded, islanding, islands
1213 reform reformed, reforming, reforms
1214 neither
1215 football footballs
1216 survive survived, survives, surviving
1217 flight flights
1218 left lefts
1219 solve solved, solves, solving
1220 neighbor neighbored, neighboring, neighbors, neighbour, neighboured, neighbouring, neighbours
1221 background backgrounds
1222 technique techniques
1223 traffic trafficked, trafficking, trafficks, traffics
1224 improvement improvements
1225 tool tooled, tooling, tools
1226 consequence consequences
1227 circumstance circumstances
1228 smoke smoked, smokes, smoking
1229 reaction reactions
1230 rain rained, raining, rains
1231 busy busied, busier, busies, busiest, busying
1232 lesson lessons
1233 brain brained, braining, brains
1234 mass massed, masses, massing
1235 funny funnier, funniest
1236 contribute contributed, contributes, contributing
1237 failure failures
1238 schedule scheduled, schedules, scheduling
1239 speaker speakers
1240 bottom bottomed, bottoming, bottoms
1241 adopt adopted, adopting, adopts
1242 combine combined, combines, combining
1243 mountain mountains
1244 waste wasted, wastes, wasting
1245 hide hid, hidden, hides, hiding
1246 marriage marriages
1247 ticket ticketed, ticketing, tickets
1248 meal meals
1249 colleague colleagues
1250 bag bagged, bagging, bags
1251 repeat repeated, repeating, repeats
1252 equal equaled, equaling, equalled, equalling, equals
1253 expression expressions
1254 plus pluses
1255 extremely
1256 owner owners
1257 plane planed, planes
1258 commercial commercials
1259 lady ladies
1260 duty duties
1261 strength strengths
1262 connect connected, connecting, connects
1263 cultural
1264 arrange arranged, arranges, arranging
1265 scheme schemed, schemes, scheming
1266 payment payments
1267 unfortunately
1268 brief briefed, briefer, briefest, briefing, briefings, briefs
1269 bird birded, birding, birds
1270 demonstrate demonstrated, demonstrates, demonstrating
1271 contribution contributions
1272 appreciate appreciated, appreciates, appreciating
1273 chapter chapters
1274 secret secrets
1275 apparently
1276 novel novels
1277 union unions
1278 burn burned, burning, burns, burnt
1279 trend trended, trending, trends
1280 initial initialed, initialing, initialled, initialling, initials
1281 pleasure pleasured, pleasures, pleasuring
1282 suggestion suggestions
1283 critical
1284 gather gathered, gathering, gatherings, gathers
1285 mostly
1286 earth earthed, earths
1287 pop popped, popping, pops
1288 essential essentials
1289 desire desired, desires, desiring
1290 promote promoted, promotes, promoting
1291 currently
1292 employ employed, employing, employs
1293 path paths
1294 topic topics
1295 beach beached, beaches, beaching
1296 attract attracted, attracting, attracts
1297 engage engaged, engages, engaging
1298 powerful
1299 flower flowered, flowering, flowers
1300 crisis crises
1301 settle settled, settles, settling
1302 boat boated, boating, boats
1303 aid aided, aiding, aids
1304 fan fanned, fanning, fans
1305 kitchen kitchens
1306 twice
1307 fresh fresher, freshest
1308 delay delayed, delaying, delays
1309 safety safeties
1310 engineer engineered, engineering, engineers
1311 quiet quieted, quieter, quietest, quieting, quiets
1312 insurance insurances
1313 nurse nursed, nurses, nursing
1314 divide divided, divides, dividing
1315 length lengths
1316 investigation investigations
1317 package packaged, packages, packaging
1318 somewhere
1319 expand expanded, expanding, expands
1320 commit commits, committed, committing
1321 obvious
1322 jump jumped, jumping, jumps
1323 weapon weapons
1324 relatively
1325 host hosted, hosting, hosts
1326 winter wintered, wintering, winters
1327 district districts
1328 broad broader, broadest
1329 tire tired, tires, tiring
1330 spring sprang, springing, springs, sprung
1331 spirit spirited, spiriting, spirits
1332 lunch lunched, lunches, lunching
1333 actual
1334 pool pooled, pooling, pools
1335 battle battled, battles, battling
1336 tradition traditions
1337 cash cashed, cashes, cashing
1338 hardly
1339 award awarded, awarding, awards
1340 coach coached, coaches, coaching
1341 experiment experimented, experimenting, experiments
1342 consideration considerations
1343 strange strangest
1344 code coded, codes, coding
1345 possibly
1346 threat threats
1347 accident accidents
1348 impossible
1349 revenue revenues
1350 enable enabled, enables, enabling
1351 afraid
1352 active actives
1353 conclude concluded, concludes, concluding
1354 religious
1355 cancer cancers
1356 convince convinced, convinces, convincing
1357 vary varied, varies, varying
1358 environmental
1359 sun sunned, sunning, suns
1360 healthy healthier, healthiest
1361 blow blew, blowing, blown, blows
1362 volume volumes
1363 location locations
1364 invest invested, investing, invests
1365 proceed proceeded, proceeding, proceedings, proceeds
1366 wash washed, washes, washing
1367 actor actors
1368 glad gladder, gladdest
1369 tape taped, tapes, taping
1370 whereas
1371 opposite opposites
1372 stone stoned, stones, stoning
1373 sum summed, summing, sums
1374 murder murdered, murdering, murders
1375 monitor monitored, monitoring, monitors
1376 soldier soldiered, soldiering, soldiers
1377 finance financed, finances, financing
1378 hate hated, hates, hating
1379 egg egged, egging, eggs
1380 concert concerted, concerts
1381 shock shocked, shocking, shocks
1382 comfortable
1383 usual
1384 carefully
1385 pack packed, packing, packs
1386 recall recalled, recalls
1387 wine wines, wining
1388 camera cameras
1389 swim swam, swimming, swims, swum
1390 manufacture manufactured, manufactures, manufacturing
1391 theater theaters, theatre, theatres
1392 cycle cycled, cycles, cycling
1393 coffee coffees
1394 totally
1395 museum museums
1396 visitor visitors
1397 freedom freedoms
1398 construction constructions
1399 dear dearer, dearest, dears
1400 objective objectives
1401 moreover
1402 onto
1403 historical
1404 oppose opposed, opposes, opposing
1405 branch branched, branches, branching
1406 vehicle vehicles
1407 scientist scientists
1408 route routes
1409 bind binding, binds
1410 belong belonged, belonging, belongings, belongs
1411 taste tasted, tastes, tasting
1412 tonight
1413 fashion fashioned, fashioning, fashions
1414 danger dangers
1415 bomb bombed, bombing, bombings, bombs
1416 army armies
1417 dangerous
1418 decrease decreased, decreases, decreasing
1419 hurt hurting, hurts
1420 council councils
1421 editor editors
1422 normally
1423 sight sighted, sighting, sightings, sights
1424 generate generated, generates, generating
1425 gift gifted, gifting, gifts
1426 delivery deliveries
1427 deny denied, denies, denying
1428 guest guests
1429 anybody
1430 bedroom bedrooms
1431 quote quoted, quotes, quoting
1432 climb climbed, climbing, climbs
1433 basically
1434 violence
1435 minister ministered, ministering, ministers
1436 mainly
1437 mouth mouthed, mouthing, mouths
1438 noise noises
1439 manner mannered, manners
1440 gun gunned, gunning, guns
1441 square squared, squarer, squares, squarest, squaring
1442 occasion occasioned, occasioning, occasions
1443 familiar familiars
1444 ignore ignored, ignores, ignoring
1445 destroy destroyed, destroying, destroys
1446 affair affairs
1447 civil
1448 locate located, locates, locating
1449 citizen citizens
1450 temperature temperatures
1451 gold
1452 domestic domestics
1453 load loaded, loading, loads
1454 belief beliefs
1455 troop troops
1456 technical
1457 remind reminded, reminding, reminds
1458 arrangement arrangements
1459 skin skinned, skinning, skins
1460 prison prisons
1461 switch switched, switches, switching
1462 acquire acquired, acquires, acquiring
1463 corporate
1464 fairly
1465 wood wooded, woods
1466 participate participated, participates, participating
1467 tough tougher, toughest
1468 tear tearing, tears, tore
1469 representative representatives
1470 capacity capacities
1471 border bordered, bordering, borders
1472 shake shaken, shakes, shaking, shook
1473 assessment assessments
1474 shoe shod, shoed, shoes
1475 ought oughta, oughtn't
1476 ad ads
1477 fee fees
1478 hall halls
1479 regulation regulations
1480 escape escaped, escapes, escaping
1481 studio studios
1482 proper
1483 relax relaxed, relaxes, relaxing
1484 tourist tourists
1485 component components
1486 afford afforded, affording, affords
1487 lawyer lawyers
1488 suspect suspected, suspecting, suspects
1489 cup cupped, cupping, cups
1490 description descriptions
1491 confidence confidences
1492 industrial industrials
1493 complain complained, complaining, complains
1494 perspective perspectives
1495 error errors
1496 arrest arrested, arresting, arrests
1497 assess assessed, assesses, assessing
1498 register registered, registering, registers
1499 asset assets
1500 signal signaled, signaling, signalled, signalling, signals
1501 finger fingered, fingering, fingers
1502 relevant
1503 explore explored, explores, exploring
1504 leadership leaderships
1505 commitment commitments
1506 wake waked, wakes, waking, woke, woken
1507 necessarily
1508 bright brighter, brightest
1509 frame framed, frames, framing
1510 slowly
1511 bond bonded, bonding, bonds
1512 hire hired, hires, hiring
1513 hole holed, holes, holing
1514 tie tied, ties, tying
1515 internal internals
1516 chain chained, chaining, chains
1517 literature literatures
1518 victim victims
1519 threaten threatened, threatening, threatens
1520 division divisions
1521 secure secured, secures, securing
1522 amaze amazed, amazes, amazing
1523 device devices
1524 birth birthed, birthing, births
1525 forest forested, foresting, forests
1526 label labeled, labeling, labelled, labelling, labels
1527 root rooted, rooting, roots
1528 factory factories
1529 expense expensed, expenses, expensing
1530 channel channeled, channeling, channelled, channelling, channels
1531 investigate investigated, investigates, investigating
1532 recommendation recommendations
1533 rank ranked, ranking, rankings, ranks
1534 typical
1535 west
1536 friendly friendlier, friendliest
1537 resident residents
1538 provision provisioned, provisioning, provisions
1539 concentrate concentrated, concentrates, concentrating
1540 plenty
1541 export exported, exporting, exports
1542 entirely
1543 strongly
1544 bridge bridged, bridges, bridging
1545 consist consisted, consisting, consists
1546 graduate graduated, graduates, graduating
1547 brand branded, branding, brands
1548 moral morals
1549 insist insisted, insisting, insists
1550 combination combinations
1551 abuse abused, abuses, abusing
1552 ice iced, ices
1553 principal principals
1554 master mastered, mastering, masters
1555 definitely
1556 session sessions
1557 grade graded, grades, grading
1558 nevertheless
1559 predict predicted, predicting, predicts
1560 previously
1561 protection protections
1562 largely
1563 wed wedded, wedding, weddings, weds
1564 rent rented, renting, rents
1565 shot shots
1566 appearance appearances
1567 reasonable
1568 guarantee guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantees, guaranties, guaranty
1569 till tilled, tilling, tills
1570 theme themed, themes
1571 judgment judgments
1572 odd odder, oddest
1573 approve approved, approves, approving
1574 loan loaned, loaning, loans
1575 definition definitions
1576 elect elected, electing, elects
1577 atmosphere atmospheres
1578 farmer farmers
1579 comparison comparisons
1580 characteristic characteristics
1581 license licence, licenced, licences, licencing, licensed, licenses, licensing
1582 rely relied, relies, relying
1583 narrow narrowed, narrower, narrowest, narrowing, narrows
1584 succeed succeeded, succeeding, succeeds
1585 identity identities
1586 desk desks
1587 permit permits, permitted, permitting
1588 seriously
1589 wild wilder, wildest, wilds
1590 empty emptied, emptier, empties, emptiest, emptying
1591 commission commissioned, commissioning, commissions
1592 unique
1593 association associations
1594 instrument instrumented, instruments
1595 investor investors
1596 practical
1597 tea teas
1598 lovely lovelier, loveliest
1599 soft softer, softest
1600 row rowed, rowing, rows
1601 youth youths
1602 lock locked, locking, locks
1603 fuel fueled, fueling, fuels
1604 expectation expectations
1605 employment employments
1606 celebrate celebrated, celebrates, celebrating
1607 sexual
1608 shoulder shouldered, shoulders
1609 breath breaths
1610 increasingly
1611 import imported, importing, imports
1612 bottle bottled, bottles, bottling
1613 ourselves
1614 sheet sheeted, sheeting, sheets
1615 engine engines
1616 cast casted, casting, castings, casts
1617 notion notions
1618 conservative conservatives
1619 journey journeyed, journeying, journeys
1620 opposition oppositions
1621 relief reliefs
1622 debt debts
1623 honor honored, honoring, honors, honour, honoured, honouring, honours
1624 outcome outcomes
1625 blame blamed, blames, blaming
1626 explanation explanations
1627 arise arisen, arises, arising, arose
1628 musical musicals
1629 recover recovered, recovering, recovers
1630 dad daddies, daddy, dads
1631 stretch stretched, stretches, stretching
1632 declare declared, declares, declaring
1633 retire retired, retires, retiring
1634 tiny tinier, tiniest
1635 careful
1636 suitable
1637 native natives
1638 fruit fruited, fruiting, fruits
1639 analyze analyse, analysed, analysing, analyzed, analyzes, analyzing
1640 witness witnessed, witnesses, witnessing
1641 mail mailed, mailing, mailings, mails
1642 terrible
1643 researcher researchers
1644 ordinary
1645 selection selections
1646 anywhere
1647 mental
1648 participant participants
1649 vision visions
1650 personality personalities
1651 specifically
1652 fat fats, fatter, fattest
1653 entry entries
1654 fellow fellows
1655 chemical chemicals
1656 capture captured, captures, capturing
1657 tip tipped, tipping, tips
1658 discount discounted, discounting, discounts
1659 peak peaked, peaking, peaks
1660 chairman chairmen
1661 proportion proportioned, proportioning, proportions
1662 ear eared, ears
1663 disappear disappeared, disappearing, disappears
1664 shout shouted, shouting, shouts
1665 yard yards
1666 constant constants
1667 significantly
1668 hill hilled, hills
1669 considerable
1670 instruction instructions
1671 intelligence intelligences
1672 ideal ideals
1673 folk folks
1674 surely
1675 guard guarded, guarding, guards
1676 cat cats
1677 somewhat
1678 kiss kissed, kisses, kissing
1679 presentation presentations
1680 joint jointed, jointing, joints
1681 compete competed, competes, competing
1682 poll polled, polling, polls
1683 weak weaker, weakest
1684 faith faiths
1685 reduction reductions
1686 reserve reserved, reserves, reserving
1687 complaint complaints
1688 bore bored, bores, boring
1689 mission missions
1690 somehow
1691 tone toned, tones, toning
1692 neighborhood neighborhoods, neighbourhood, neighbourhoods
1693 passenger passengers
1694 justice justices
1695 phase phased, phases, phasing
1696 thin thinned, thinner, thinnest, thinning, thins
1697 rush rushed, rushes, rushing
1698 formal formals
1699 religion religions
1700 employer employers
1701 reject rejected, rejecting, rejects
1702 latter
1703 plate plated, plates, plating
1704 ban banned, banning, bans
1705 steal stealing, steals, stole, stolen
1706 protest protested, protesting, protests
1707 index indexed, indexes, indexing, indices
1708 sad sadder, saddest
1709 frequently
1710 circle circled, circles, circling
1711 helpful
1712 command commanded, commanding, commands
1713 attractive
1714 sick sicker, sickest
1715 impression impressions
1716 unable
1717 joke joked, jokes, joking
1718 sky skies
1719 column columned, columns
1720 electronic electronics
1721 impose imposed, imposes, imposing
1722 criminal criminals
1723 besides
1724 properly
1725 ancient ancients
1726 coast coasted, coasting, coasts
1727 ill ills
1728 kick kicked, kicking, kicks
1729 closely
1730 multiple multiples
1731 yield yielded, yielding, yields
1732 via
1733 legislation legislations
1734 county counties
1735 unlike
1736 mobile mobiles
1737 assistant assistants
1738 implement implemented, implementing, implements
1739 chart charted, charting, charts
1740 attach attached, attaches, attaching
1741 hell hells
1742 everywhere
1743 advise advised, advises, advising
1744 household households
1745 acknowledge acknowledged, acknowledges, acknowledging
1746 reward rewarded, rewarding, rewards
1747 east
1748 hat hats, hatted
1749 academic academics
1750 voter voters
1751 meanwhile
1752 furthermore
1753 accuse accused, accuses, accusing
1754 scientific
1755 wage waged, wages, waging
1756 absence absences
1757 construct constructed, constructing, constructs
1758 remark remarked, remarking, remarks
1759 medicine medicines
1760 professor prof, professors
1761 rare rarer, rarest
1762 intention intentions
1763 dozen dozens
1764 settlement settlements
1765 gap gapped, gapping, gaps
1766 widely
1767 minimum minima, minimums
1768 northern
1769 estate estates
1770 equally
1771 expose exposed, exposes, exposing
1772 alive
1773 shut shuts
1774 victory victories
1775 resolve resolved, resolves, resolving
1776 critic critics
1777 variable variables
1778 enormous
1779 sweet sweeter, sweetest, sweets
1780 permanent
1781 emotion emotions
1782 pursue pursued, pursues, pursuing
1783 tall taller, tallest
1784 urge urged, urges, urging
1785 enemy enemies
1786 appoint appointed, appointing, appoints
1787 milk milked, milking, milks
1788 talent talented, talents
1789 smell smelled, smelling, smells
1790 prior priors
1791 priority priorities
1792 online
1793 phrase phrased, phrases, phrasing
1794 pilot piloted, piloting, pilots
1795 stable stabled, stables, stabling
1796 merely
1797 resolution resolutions
1798 communicate communicated, communicates, communicating
1799 injury injuries
1800 vast vaster, vastest
1801 exhibition exhibitions
1802 producer producers
1803 regional regionals
1804 immediate
1805 incident incidents
1806 childhood childhoods
1807 draft drafted, drafting, drafts, draught, draughts
1808 slip slipped, slipping, slips
1809 accompany accompanied, accompanies, accompanying
1810 politician politicians
1811 angry angrier, angriest
1812 knock knocked, knocking, knocks
1813 seed seeded, seeding, seeds
1814 salary salaried, salaries
1815 illustrate illustrated, illustrates, illustrating
1816 imply implied, implies, implying
1817 breakfast breakfasted, breakfasting, breakfasts
1818 temporary
1819 liberal liberals
1820 lake lakes
1821 qualify qualified, qualifies, qualifying
1822 competitive
1823 truly
1824 hi
1825 yellow yellowed, yellowing, yellows
1826 habit habited, habits
1827 disk disc, discs, disks
1828 core cored, cores, coring
1829 emotional
1830 aircraft aircrafts
1831 self selves
1832 metal metals
1833 existence existences
1834 bone boned, bones, boning
1835 panel paneled, paneling, panelled, panelling, panels
1836 prime primed, primes, priming
1837 appointment appointments
1838 emphasize emphasise, emphasised, emphasises, emphasising, emphasized, emphasizes, emphasizing
1839 maximum
1840 effectively
1841 elsewhere
1842 bother bothered, bothering, bothers
1843 initiative initiatives
1844 sharp sharper, sharpest
1845 diet dieted, dieting, diets
1846 motion motioned, motioning, motions
1847 gray grayed, grayer, grayest, graying, grays, grey, greyed, greyer, greyest, greying, greys
1848 plastic plastics
1849 complicate complicated, complicates, complicating
1850 discipline disciplined, disciplines, disciplining
1851 disappoint disappointed, disappointing, disappoints
1852 boss bossed, bosses, bossing
1853 assumption assumptions
1854 freeze freezes, freezing, froze, frozen
1855 extreme extremes
1856 passage passages
1857 reputation reputations
1858 forth
1859 negotiation negotiations
1860 mechanism mechanisms
1861 coat coated, coating, coats
1862 democracy democracies
1863 pocket pocketed, pocketing, pockets
1864 lucky luckier, luckiest
1865 crash crashed, crashes, crashing
1866 observation observations
1867 meat meats
1868 concentration concentrations
1869 implication implications
1870 deserve deserved, deserves, deserving
1871 unusual
1872 defend defended, defending, defends
1873 classic classics
1874 king kings
1875 interaction interactions
1876 repair repaired, repairing, repairs
1877 collapse collapsed, collapses, collapsing
1878 borrow borrowed, borrowing, borrows
1879 fundamental fundamentals
1880 dish dished, dishes, dishing
1881 abroad
1882 soul souls
1883 capable
1884 defeat defeated, defeating, defeats
1885 presidential
1886 perfectly
1887 enhance enhanced, enhances, enhancing
1888 proud prouder, proudest
1889 emergency emergencies
1890 educational
1891 distinguish distinguished, distinguishes, distinguishing
1892 substantial
1893 nearby
1894 manufacturer manufacturers
1895 slide slid, slides, sliding
1896 valuable valuables
1897 personally
1898 breast breasted, breasting, breasts
1899 cope coped, copes, coping
1900 approximately
1901 accommodation accommodations
1902 highlight highlighted, highlighting, highlights
1903 reporter reporters
1904 climate climates
1905 shirt shirted, shirting, shirts
1906 exception exceptions
1907 corporation corporations
1908 chip chipped, chipping, chips
1909 winner winners
1910 encounter encountered, encountering, encounters
1911 brown browned, browner, brownest, browning, browns
1912 breathe breathed, breathes, breathing
1913 excuse excused, excuses, excusing
1914 partly
1915 tennis
1916 urban
1917 confuse confused, confuses, confusing
1918 southern
1919 output outputs, outputted, outputting
1920 beauty beauties
1921 massive
1922 install installed, installing, installs
1923 calculate calculated, calculates, calculating
1924 mouse mice, mouses
1925 mathematics math, maths
1926 upper uppers
1927 creation creations
1928 occupy occupied, occupies, occupying
1929 outline outlined, outlines, outlining
1930 sufficient
1931 update updated, updates, updating
1932 luck lucked, lucking, lucks
1933 preserve preserved, preserves, preserving
1934 split splits, splitting
1935 swing swinging, swings, swung
1936 illness illnesses
1937 journalist journalists
1938 sudden
1939 advertisement advertisements
1940 consistent
1941 originally
1942 aside asides
1943 comfort comforted, comforting, comforts
1944 secondly
1945 severe severer, severest
1946 gene genes
1947 prospect prospected, prospecting, prospects
1948 snow snowed, snowing, snows
1949 plot plots, plotted, plotting
1950 neck necked, necking, necks
1951 criterion criterions
1952 primarily
1953 integrate integrated, integrates, integrating
1954 criticism criticisms
1955 convention conventions
1956 bet bets, betted, betting
1957 retain retained, retaining, retains
1958 sequence sequenced, sequences, sequencing
1959 plain plainer, plainest, plains
1960 volunteer volunteered, volunteering, volunteers
1961 rural
1962 calm calmed, calmer, calmest, calming, calms
1963 abandon abandoned, abandoning, abandons
1964 examination examinations
1965 silence silenced, silences, silencing
1966 rapidly
1967 efficient
1968 revolution revolutions
1969 delight delighted, delighting, delights
1970 spell spelled, spelling, spells, spelt
1971 premise premised, premises, premising
1972 lean leaned, leaner, leanest, leaning, leans, leant
1973 dramatic dramatics
1974 differ differed, differing, differs
1975 grateful
1976 protein proteins
1977 bike biked, bikes, biking
1978 distribute distributed, distributes, distributing
1979 intellectual intellectuals
1980 derive derived, derives, deriving
1981 crucial
1982 unemployment
1983 wheel wheeled, wheeling, wheels
1984 crop cropped, cropping, crops
1985 minority minorities
1986 origin origins
1987 interpretation interpretations
1988 gentleman gentlemen
1989 drama dramas
1990 landscape landscaped, landscapes, landscaping
1991 educate educated, educates, educating
1992 toy toyed, toying, toys
1993 fault faulted, faulting, faults
1994 exhibit exhibited, exhibiting, exhibits
1995 minor minors
1996 hunt hunted, hunting, hunts
1997 storm stormed, storming, storms
1998 thick thicker, thickest
1999 achievement achievements
2000 negotiate negotiated, negotiates, negotiating
2001 dominate dominated, dominates, dominating
2002 supplier suppliers
2003 prize prized, prizes
2004 typically
2005 peer peered, peering, peers
2006 pension pensioned, pensioning, pensions
2007 wing winged, winging, wings
2008 acquisition acquisitions
2009 laughter
2010 deeply
2011 recognition recognitions
2012 electricity
2013 assistance assistances
2014 roof roofed, roofing, roofs
2015 retirement retirements
2016 respectively
2017 variation variations
2018 ultimately
2019 proof proofed, proofing, proofs
2020 soil soiled, soiling, soils
2021 smart smarted, smarter, smartest, smarting, smarts
2022 layer layered, layering, layers
2023 upset upsets, upsetting
2024 tooth teeth, toothed
2025 representation representations
2026 preparation preparations
2027 dispute disputed, disputes, disputing
2028 agenda agendas
2029 emphasis emphases
2030 edition editions
2031 silver silvered, silvers
2032 entertainment entertainments
2033 honest
2034 undertake undertaken, undertakes, undertaking, undertakings, undertook
2035 retail retailed, retailing, retails
2036 wire wired, wires, wiring
2037 unlikely unlikelier, unlikeliest
2038 gay gayer, gayest, gays
2039 publication publications
2040 slight slighted, slighter, slightest, slighting, slights
2041 unknown unknowns
2042 framework frameworks
2043 zone zoned, zones, zoning
2044 restrict restricted, restricting, restricts
2045 trace traced, traces, tracing
2046 inch inched, inches, inching
2047 equivalent equivalents
2048 solid solids
2049 enterprise enterprises, enterprising
2050 elderly
2051 owe owed, owes, owing
2052 governor governors
2053 uniform uniformed, uniforms
2054 port ported, porting, ports
2055 pitch pitched, pitches, pitching
2056 arrival arrivals
2057 contemporary contemporaries
2058 gate gated, gates, gating
2059 ease eased, eases, easing
2060 beer beers
2061 specialist specialists
2062 assure assured, assures, assuring
2063 profile profiled, profiles, profiling
2064 mood moods
2065 episode episodes
2066 crack cracked, cracking, cracks
2067 numerous
2068 submit submits, submitted, submitting
2069 symptom symptoms
2070 virtually
2071 era eras
2072 coverage
2073 tension tensioned, tensioning, tensions
2074 cable cabled, cables, cabling
2075 sensitive
2076 nervous
2077 input inputs, inputted, inputting
2078 isolate isolated, isolates, isolating
2079 prisoner prisoners
2080 eliminate eliminated, eliminates, eliminating
2081 tight tighter, tightest
2082 wet wets, wetted, wetter, wettest, wetting
2083 secondary
2084 welfare welfares
2085 recruit recruited, recruiting, recruits
2086 exclude excluded, excludes, excluding
2087 string stringing, strings, strung
2088 cloud clouded, clouding, clouds
2089 persuade persuaded, persuades, persuading
2090 inspire inspired, inspires, inspiring
2091 grand grander, grandest
2092 hence
2093 crew crewed, crewing, crews
2094 phenomenon phenomena
2095 pupil pupils
2096 false falser, falsest
2097 assist assisted, assisting, assists
2098 restore restored, restores, restoring
2099 formula formulae, formulas
2100 alter altered, altering, alters
2101 perceive perceived, perceives, perceiving
2102 routine routines
2103 sink sank, sinking, sinks, sunk
2104 stare stared, stares, staring
2105 anymore
2106 hero heroes
2107 supporter supporters
2108 convert converted, converting, converts
2109 steady steadied, steadier, steadies, steadiest, steadying
2110 meter metered, metering, meters, metre, metres
2111 truck trucked, trucking, trucks
2112 nose nosed, noses, nosing
2113 beside
2114 sail sailed, sailing, sails
2115 disaster disasters
2116 pace paced, paces, pacing
2117 heavily
2118 devote devoted, devotes, devoting
2119 terrorist terrorists
2120 justify justified, justifies, justifying
2121 vital vitals
2122 fascinate fascinated, fascinates, fascinating
2123 external externals
2124 spare spared, sparer, spares, sparest, sparing
2125 whenever
2126 depression depressions
2127 guilty guiltier, guiltiest
2128 underlie underlain, underlies, underlying
2129 mom mommies, mommy, moms
2130 distinction distinctions
2131 satisfaction satisfactions
2132 incorporate incorporated, incorporates, incorporating
2133 pour poured, pouring, pours
2134 sweep sweeping, sweeps, swept
2135 obligation obligations
2136 sir
2137 evaluate evaluated, evaluates, evaluating
2138 anger angered, angers
2139 pub pubs
2140 perception perceptions
2141 naturally
2142 currency currencies
2143 database databases
2144 initially
2145 territory territories
2146 stream streamed, streaming, streams
2147 rarely
2148 height heights
2149 apparent
2150 western westerns
2151 expansion expansions
2152 constantly
2153 muscle muscled, muscles
2154 scare scared, scares, scaring
2155 badly
2156 everyday
2157 boundary boundaries
2158 ratio ratios
2159 essay essayed, essaying, essays
2160 scream screamed, screaming, screams
2161 withdraw withdrawing, withdrawn, withdraws, withdrew
2162 pollution pollutions
2163 disorder disordered, disordering, disorders
2164 furniture
2165 symbol symbols
2166 apartment apartments
2167 demonstration demonstrations
2168 analyst analysts
2169 platform platforms
2170 steel steeled, steeling, steels
2171 cake caked, cakes, caking
2172 transform transformed, transforming, transforms
2173 wound wounded, wounding, wounds
2174 restriction restrictions
2175 foundation foundations
2176 designer designers
2177 strain strained, straining, strains
2178 innovation innovations
2179 album albums
2180 singer singers
2181 trail trailed, trailing, trails
2182 trap trapped, trapping, trappings, traps
2183 loose loosed, looser, looses, loosest, loosing
2184 extension extensions
2185 wealth
2186 gradually
2187 tank tanked, tanking, tanks
2188 evil eviler, evilest, evils
2189 remarkable
2190 tune tuned, tunes, tuning
2191 grass grassed, grasses, grassing
2192 invitation invitations
2193 transition transitioned, transitioning, transitions
2194 frighten frightened, frightening, frightens
2195 bid bade, bidding, bids
2196 breed bred, breeding, breeds
2197 extraordinary
2198 brilliant
2199 adviser advisers
2200 stem stemmed, stemming, stems
2201 reverse reversed, reverses, reversing
2202 mode modes
2203 mirror mirrored, mirroring, mirrors
2204 awful
2205 pose posed, poses, posing
2206 adjust adjusted, adjusting, adjusts
2207 creative
2208 nowadays
2209 poem poems
2210 agricultural
2211 competitor competitors
2212 alcohol alcohols
2213 festival festivals
2214 vegetable vegetables
2215 van vans
2216 confident
2217 planet planets
2218 curve curved, curves, curving
2219 knee kneed, kneeing, knees
2220 overcome overcame, overcomes, overcoming
2221 web webbed, webbing, webs
2222 depth depths
2223 entrance entranced, entrances, entrancing
2224 log logged, logging, logs
2225 giant giants
2226 god gods
2227 portion portioned, portioning, portions
2228 substance substances
2229 extensive
2230 interpret interpreted, interpreting, interprets
2231 independence
2232 sugar sugared, sugars
2233 inner inners
2234 harm harmed, harming, harms
2235 consult consulted, consulting, consults
2236 pink pinked, pinker, pinkest, pinking, pinks
2237 shadow shadows
2238 strip stripped, stripping, strips
2239 smooth smoothed, smoother, smoothest, smoothing
2240 intervention interventions
2241 impress impressed, impresses, impressing
2242 exam exams
2243 vice vices
2244 radical radicals
2245 similarly
2246 behave behaved, behaves, behaving
2247 loud louder, loudest
2248 dimension dimensioned, dimensioning, dimensions
2249 subsequent
2250 infection infections
2251 jacket jackets
2252 efficiency efficiencies
2253 dirty dirtied, dirtier, dirties, dirtiest, dirtying
2254 statistic statistics
2255 regularly
2256 resort resorted, resorting, resorts
2257 iron ironed, ironing, irons
2258 broadcast broadcasted, broadcasting, broadcasts
2259 membership memberships
2260 bread breaded, breading, breads
2261 blind blinded, blinder, blindest, blinding, blinds
2262 pure purer, purest
2263 bloody bloodied, bloodier, bloodies, bloodiest, bloodying
2264 ally allied, allies
2265 quantity quantities
2266 bend bended, bending, bends, bent
2267 mature matured, matures, maturing
2268 briefly
2269 alarm alarmed, alarming, alarms
2270 disturb disturbed, disturbing, disturbs
2271 sustain sustained, sustaining, sustains
2272 flood flooded, flooding, floods
2273 poverty
2274 crazy crazier, crazies, craziest
2275 cite cited, cites, citing
2276 newly
2277 parallel paralleled, paralleling, parallels
2278 gender gendered, genders
2279 sponsor sponsored, sponsoring, sponsors
2280 boot booted, booting, boots
2281 accurate
2282 dealer dealers
2283 button buttoned, buttoning, buttons
2284 burden burdened, burdening, burdens
2285 desert deserted, deserting, deserts
2286 mate mated, mates, mating
2287 occasionally
2288 shareholder shareholders
2289 bowl bowled, bowling, bowls
2290 discovery discoveries
2291 resistance resistances
2292 bath baths
2293 frequency frequencies
2294 criticize criticise, criticised, criticises, criticising, criticized, criticizes, criticizing
2295 tap tapped, tapping, taps
2296 philosophy philosophies
2297 lip lipped, lips
2298 attribute attributed, attributes, attributing
2299 apologize apologise, apologised, apologises, apologising, apologized, apologizes, apologizing
2300 approval approvals
2301 grab grabbed, grabbing, grabs
2302 entitle entitled, entitles, entitling
2303 lend lending, lends, lent
2304 involvement involvements
2305 exposure exposures
2306 conventional
2307 digital digitals
2308 translate translated, translates, translating
2309 edit edited, editing, edits
2310 formation formations
2311 deposit deposited, depositing, deposits
2312 pleasant pleasanter, pleasantest
2313 overseas oversea
2314 advocate advocated, advocates, advocating
2315 establishment establishments
2316 summary summaries
2317 rough roughed, rougher, roughest, roughing, roughs
2318 pen penned, penning, pens
2319 recovery recoveries
2320 seal sealed, sealing, seals
2321 tube tubed, tubes, tubing
2322 tower towered, towering, towers
2323 characterize characterise, characterised, characterises, characterising, characterized, characterizes, characterizing
2324 specify specified, specifies, specifying
2325 exact exacted, exacting, exacts
2326 spin spinning, spins, spun
2327 operator operators
2328 infant infants
2329 dig digging, digs, dug
2330 drag dragged, dragging, drags
2331 mount mounted, mounting, mounts
2332 wrap wrapped, wrapping, wraps
2333 anticipate anticipated, anticipates, anticipating
2334 dependent dependents
2335 specialize specialise, specialised, specialises, specialising, specialized, specializes, specializing
2336 angle angled, angles, angling
2337 chicken chickened, chickens
2338 anxiety anxieties
2339 virus viruses
2340 precisely
2341 rival rivaled, rivaling, rivalled, rivalling, rivals
2342 offense offence, offences, offenses
2343 detect detected, detecting, detects
2344 teenager teenagers
2345 admire admired, admires, admiring
2346 moderate moderated, moderates, moderating
2347 surgery surgeries
2348 musician musicians
2349 significance significances
2350 shower showered, showering, showers
2351 illegal
2352 charity charities
2353 universal universals
2354 cigarette cigarettes
2355 constitute constituted, constitutes, constituting
2356 adequate
2357 consultant consultants
2358 historian historians
2359 cousin cousins
2360 visual visuals
2361 stupid stupider, stupidest
2362 keen keened, keener, keenest, keening, keens
2363 ethnic ethnics
2364 twin twins
2365 clinical
2366 eastern
2367 forecast forecasted, forecasting, forecasts
2368 segment segmented, segmenting, segments
2369 custom customs
2370 adapt adapted, adapting, adapts
2371 sand sanded, sanding, sands
2372 cap capped, capping, caps
2373 prompt prompted, prompting, prompts
2374 charm charmed, charming, charms
2375 react reacted, reacting, reacts
2376 lecture lectured, lectures, lecturing
2377 venture ventured, ventures, venturing
2378 compound compounded, compounds
2379 rescue rescued, rescues, rescuing
2380 mess messed, messes, messing
2381 preference preferences
2382 comprehensive
2383 incentive incentives
2384 league leagues
2385 dialog dialoged, dialoging, dialogs, dialogue, dialogued, dialogues, dialoguing
2386 cream creamed, creaming, creams
2387 rapid
2388 cancel canceled, canceling, cancelled, cancelling, cancels
2389 regret regrets, regretted, regretting
2390 dismiss dismissed, dismisses, dismissing
2391 margin margins
2392 beneath
2393 opponent opponents
2394 resist resisted, resisting, resists
2395 capability capabilities
2396 absolute absolutes
2397 correspond corresponded, corresponding, corresponds
2398 stroke stroked, strokes, stroking
2399 dare dared, dares, daring
2400 barrier barriers
2401 rid ridded, ridding, rids
2402 divorce divorced, divorces, divorcing
2403 ruin ruined, ruining, ruins
2404 bury buried, buries, burying
2405 counsel counseled, counseling, counselled, counselling, counsels
2406 tendency tendencies
2407 frequent frequented, frequenting, frequents
2408 motor motored, motoring, motors
2409 survival survivals
2410 counter countered, countering, counters
2411 possess possessed, possesses, possessing
2412 permission permissions
2413 valley valleys
2414 float floated, floating, floats
2415 mad madder, maddest
2416 greatly
2417 visible
2418 electric electrics
2419 impressive
2420 evolution evolutions
2421 awareness
2422 violent
2423 slave slaved, slaves, slaving
2424 wealthy wealthier, wealthiest
2425 architecture architectures
2426 acceptable
2427 journal journaling, journals
2428 coal coals
2429 measurement measurements
2430 random
2431 successfully
2432 depress depressed, depresses, depressing
2433 illustration illustrations
2434 burst bursting, bursts
2435 privilege privileged, privileges, privileging
2436 buyer buyers
2437 mutual
2438 rail railed, railing, railings, rails
2439 motivate motivated, motivates, motivating
2440 laboratory laboratories
2441 mortgage mortgaged, mortgages
2442 promotion promotions
2443 passion passions
2444 champion championed, championing, champions
2445 fulfill fulfil, fulfiled, fulfiling, fulfilled, fulfilling, fulfills, fulfils
2446 dust dusted, dusting, dusts
2447 dedicate dedicated, dedicates, dedicating
2448 roughly
2449 skirt skirted, skirting, skirts
2450 province provinces
2451 march marched, marches, marching
2452 evaluation evaluations
2453 compromise compromised, compromises, compromising
2454 accomplish accomplished, accomplishes, accomplishing
2455 weakness weaknesses
2456 announcement announcements
2457 salt salted, salting, salts
2458 glance glanced, glances, glancing
2459 opera operas
2460 contest contested, contesting, contests
2461 brush brushed, brushes, brushing
2462 embarrass embarrassed, embarrasses, embarrassing
2463 gallery galleries
2464 genetic
2465 aggressive
2466 chest chests
2467 format formats, formatted, formatting
2468 literary
2469 govern governed, governing, governs
2470 embrace embraced, embraces, embracing
2471 praise praised, praises, praising
2472 silent
2473 pump pumped, pumping, pumps
2474 publisher publishers
2475 celebration celebrations
2476 golf
2477 compensation compensations
2478 classical
2479 weigh weighed, weighing, weighs
2480 versus
2481 deficit deficits
2482 modify modified, modifies, modifying
2483 flash flashed, flashes, flashing
2484 friendship friendships
2485 profession professions
2486 literally
2487 equation equations
2488 gesture gestured, gestures, gesturing
2489 entertain entertained, entertaining, entertains
2490 fantastic
2491 assign assigned, assigning, assigns
2492 inflation inflations
2493 historic
2494 injure injured, injures, injuring
2495 remote remoter, remotest
2496 therapy therapies
2497 orange oranges
2498 twist twisted, twisting, twists
2499 personnel
2500 imagination imaginations
2501 disagree disagreed, disagreeing, disagrees
2502 throat throats
2503 insight insights
2504 tackle tackled, tackles, tackling
2505 forever
2506 exceed exceeded, exceeding, exceeds
2507 expenditure expenditures
2508 joy joys
2509 pregnant
2510 reliable reliables
2511 gear geared, gearing, gears
2512 poet poets
2513 fortune fortunes
2514 ceremony ceremonies
2515 pile piled, piles, piling
2516 pig pigged, pigging, pigs
2517 mixture mixtures
2518 automatically
2519 scholar scholars
2520 psychological
2521 dramatically
2522 stake staked, stakes, staking
2523 creature creatures
2524 partnership partnerships
2525 participation participations
2526 clause clauses
2527 penalty penalties
2528 chamber chambered, chambering, chambers
2529 fancy fancied, fancies, fanciest, fancying
2530 poetry poetries
2531 chat chats, chatted, chatting
2532 clothing
2533 evolve evolved, evolves, evolving
2534 sake sakes
2535 shelf shelved, shelves, shelving
2536 boost boosted, boosting, boosts
2537 tail tailed, tailing, tails
2538 possession possessions
2539 abortion abortions
2540 curious curiouser
2541 wooden
2542 boom boomed, booming, booms
2543 tale tales
2544 democratic
2545 maintenance maintenances
2546 consequently
2547 pot pots, potted, potting
2548 cow cowed, cowing, cows
2549 strengthen strengthened, strengthening, strengthens
2550 whilst
2551 constraint constraints
2552 fold folded, folding, folds
2553 bin binned, binning, bins
2554 undergo undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent
2555 potentially
2556 scope scoped, scopes, scoping
2557 pretend pretended, pretending, pretends
2558 diversity diversities
2559 allege alleged, alleges
2560 pride prided, prides, priding
2561 intense
2562 inquiry inquiries
2563 resign resigned, resigning, resigns
2564 craft crafted, crafting, crafts
2565 strict stricter, strictest
2566 concrete concreted, concretes, concreting
2567 shell shelled, shells
2568 damn damned, damning, damns
2569 distinct
2570 humor humored, humoring, humors, humour, humoured, humours
2571 limitation limitations
2572 indication indications
2573 stability stabilities
2574 wise wised, wiser, wises, wisest, wising
2575 neglect neglected, neglecting, neglects
2576 compose composed, composes, composing
2577 jail jailed, jailing, jails
2578 shelter sheltered, shelters
2579 mere merest
2580 carbon carbons
2581 regulate regulated, regulates, regulating
2582 cheese cheeses
2583 trigger triggered, triggering, triggers
2584 pipe piped, pipes, piping
2585 destruction destructions
2586 guitar guitars
2587 flag flagged, flagging, flags
2588 piano pianos
2589 magic
2590 mystery mysteries
2591 ski skied, skiing, skis
2592 whisper whispered, whispering, whispers
2593 rear reared, rearing, rears
2594 menu menus
2595 species
2596 moon mooned, moons
2597 presumably
2598 bless blessed, blesses, blessing, blessings, blest
2599 airline airlines
2600 amendment amendments
2601 grandmother grandmothers
2602 jury juries
2603 cooperation
2604 civilian civilians
2605 composition compositions
2606 coin coined, coining, coins
2607 regardless
2608 scan scanned, scanning, scans
2609 bunch bunched, bunches, bunching
2610 racial racials
2611 greet greeted, greeting, greetings, greets
2612 hopefully
2613 sanction sanctioned, sanctioning, sanctions
2614 trick tricked, tricking, tricks
2615 paragraph paragraphed, paragraphing, paragraphs
2616 maker makers
2617 chocolate chocolates
2618 stimulate stimulated, stimulates, stimulating
2619 belt belted, belting, belts
2620 potato potatoes
2621 narrative narratives
2622 tissue tissues
2623 barely
2624 invent invented, inventing, invents
2625 tourism
2626 pro pros
2627 stair stairs
2628 hesitate hesitated, hesitates, hesitating
2629 shine shined, shines, shining, shone
2630 motivation motivations
2631 romantic romantics
2632 firmly
2633 interior interiors
2634 stomach stomached, stomaching, stomachs
2635 nowhere
2636 pray prayed, praying, prays
2637 championship championships
2638 servant servants
2639 immigrant immigrants
2640 excess excesses
2641 complexity complexities
2642 liability liabilities
2643 surprisingly
2644 extract extracted, extracting, extracts
2645 implementation implementations
2646 bias biased, biases, biasing
2647 differently
2648 catalog cataloged, cataloging, catalogs, catalogue, catalogued, catalogues, cataloguing
2649 continuous
2650 golden
2651 stamp stamped, stamping, stamps
2652 guideline guidelines
2653 envelope envelopes
2654 knife knifed, knifes, knifing, knives
2655 biological
2656 consume consumed, consumes, consuming
2657 luxury luxuries
2658 weekly weeklies
2659 wherever
2660 bite bites, biting, bitten
2661 printer printers
2662 firstly
2663 anxious
2664 adventure adventured, adventures, adventuring
2665 fence fenced, fences, fencing
2666 exhaust exhausted, exhausting, exhausts
2667 attraction attractions
2668 ocean oceans
2669 quietly
2670 castle castled, castles, castling
2671 veteran veterans
2672 reflection reflections
2673 nerve nerved, nerves, nerving
2674 determination determinations
2675 altogether
2676 fiction fictions
2677 carpet carpeted, carpeting, carpets
2678 cluster clustered, clustering, clusters
2679 confusion confusions
2680 hurry hurried, hurries, hurrying
2681 logic logics
2682 controversial
2683 raw rawer, rawest
2684 grammar grammars
2685 revise revised, revises, revising
2686 hint hinted, hinting, hints
2687 hook hooked, hooking, hooks
2688 bell belled, belling, bells
2689 liquid liquids
2690 panic panicked, panicking, panics
2691 uncle uncles
2692 rice rices
2693 slope slopes
2694 happiness
2695 genuine
2696 vessel vessels
2697 verb verbs
2698 reckon reckoned, reckoning, reckons
2699 silly sillier, silliest
2700 transportation transportations
2701 harbor harbored, harboring, harbors, harbour, harbouring, harbours
2702 comedy comedies
2703 chase chased, chases, chasing
2704 storage storages
2705 universe universes
2706 horrible
2707 sheep
2708 lover lovers
2709 rat rats, ratted, ratting
2710 portrait portraits
2711 innocent innocents
2712 substitute substituted, substitutes, substituting
2713 supplement supplemented, supplementing, supplements
2714 adjustment adjustments
2715 reasonably
2716 filter filtered, filtering, filters
2717 flexible
2718 abstract abstracted, abstracting, abstracts
2719 tent tented, tenting, tents
2720 precise
2721 distant
2722 stranger strangers
2723 shade shaded, shades, shading
2724 grain grained, graining, grains
2725 situate situated, situates, situating
2726 summarize summarise, summarised, summarises, summarising, summarized, summarizes, summarizing
2727 leap leaped, leaping, leaps, leapt
2728 snap snapped, snapping, snaps
2729 probability probabilities
2730 leather leathered, leathering, leathers
2731 uncertainty uncertainties
2732 swear swearing, swears, swore, sworn
2733 refugee refugees
2734 shore shored, shores, shoring
2735 monthly
2736 comprise comprised, comprises, comprising
2737 stir stirred, stirring, stirrings, stirs
2738 excitement excitements
2739 sigh sighed, sighing, sighs
2740 pregnancy pregnancies
2741 experimental experimentals
2742 institutional
2743 slice sliced, slices, slicing
2744 wander wandered, wandering, wanderings, wanders
2745 empire empires
2746 subsequently
2747 gentle gentled, gentler, gentles, gentlest, gentling
2748 attendance attendances
2749 ownership ownerships
2750 qualification qualifications
2751 suspend suspended, suspending, suspends
2752 functional
2753 voluntary
2754 pale paled, paler, pales, palest, paling
2755 stain stained, staining, stains
2756 athlete athletes
2757 organic organics
2758 tongue tongued, tongues, tonguing
2759 server servers
2760 structural
2761 fool fooled, fooling, fools
2762 alongside
2763 unite united, unites, uniting
2764 gently
2765 compute computed, computes, computing
2766 wipe wiped, wipes, wiping
2767 weird weirder, weirdest
2768 gaze gazed, gazes, gazing
2769 fade faded, fades, fading
2770 cough coughed, coughing, coughs
2771 hypothesis hypotheses
2772 royal royals
2773 theoretical
2774 curtain curtained, curtaining, curtains
2775 mayor mayors
2776 darkness
2777 aunt aunts
2778 tournament tournaments
2779 registration registrations
2780 fragment fragmented, fragmenting, fragments
2781 listener listeners
2782 tender tenders
2783 density densities
2784 ugly uglier, ugliest
2785 module modules
2786 faithfully
2787 autumn autumns
2788 cheek cheeked, cheeks
2789 attachment attachments
2790 holder holders
2791 grin grinned, grinning, grins
2792 noun nouns
2793 fortunate
2794 alright
2795 lazy lazier, laziest
2796 hello
2797 hunger hungered, hungering, hungers
2798 insure insured, insures, insuring
2799 ashamed
2800 found founded, founding, founds
2801 thirst thirsted, thirsting, thirsts


The New General Service List by Dr. Charles Browne, Dr. Brent Culligan and Joseph Phillips (2013) is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. Some related word forms were removed from the original list.